Connections can open the door to friendships and opportunities you never thought possible.
But most people don't know how to do it.
I get DMs daily that look like this...
"I need a job. Does your company have openings?"
"I want to be a data analyst. Please share how."
"Hi, how are you doing?"
These don't get you anywhere.
In contrast, creating and maintaining a connection the right way can open doors.
For example, the opportunity for my current role came about due to a connection I had in the company that I fostered for close to a year.
And I've seen this work for many others too.
So how SHOULD you go about it?
1. Engage with their content
This breaks the ice.
Ideally, your target connection should be active on LI.
If they're not, forget them - they won't be much help.
Comment on their posts
Provide meaningful contributions
Keep doing this consistently (play the long game)
2. Send an outward-focused DM
By now, you'll have had some interaction on their posts.
If they're a "post and ghoster" forget em.
You're looking for interaction.
Now, do this:
Send them a DM and make it about them
Ex: "Loved your post today!..."
Don't ask for anything yet
Remember, this is a long-game approach.
Sometimes this will be enough for them to prompt a conversation with you. If so, that's perfect!
3. Foster the connection
Just keep going.
Once you have good rapport, you can initiate an ask.
But don't pull the trigger too quickly.
A genuine acquaintance or friend will be much more likely to refer you to an opportunity.
Remember, long game approach.
It's worked for me many times and I've seen it work for others even more times.
That’s it for this week.
See you next time.
Here are 3 ways I can help you:
1:1 Coaching Session - If you’re looking for some extra guidance, a call is a great way to achieve this. I’ve helped helped over 100 people land data jobs faster with personalized guidance over a video call. Schedule a 45-minute call here.
Career Coaching Program - In 4 sessions, we’ll put together a roadmap, help you develop a personal brand, and cover expert strategies on how to land data job interviews and ace them. Sign up here.
Data Career Resources - All of my favorite resources in one place: courses, tools, books, etc. Take a look here.